

Jessie Britely, the Rut-Busting Confidence Coach


In a rut? Listen. . . I have BEEN THERE!

We’ve all been there, months of going full-steam ahead with a plan that’s AMAZING, everything’s going great, making strides, kicking ass, and then. . . as if out of nowhere. . . we got. . . nothing. No ideas, no movement, no desire, and SO MUCH OVERWHELM. Or is it apathy? Or imposter syndrome? Whatever it is, it’s stopped your genius streak DEAD in its tracks. And you know what, my friend? That simply will not do!
I’ve overcome the overwhelm, shifted perceptions, fought my inner self-sabotage demons, and had so many “Come to Halleloo” chats with my own damn self that I’ve MASTERED the come back (the come back from ruts). It’s possible, love. You CAN, and you SHALL conquer this!!! I am DETERMINED to use my many many personal rut experiences to help guide you out of your own - slightly less scathed, with the lessons still learned, just a little less painfully.


But, like, y tho?

Darling, I wish I knew. I wish I knew why us driven, entrepreneurial-spirited womxn fell into the trap of analysis paralysis, got terrible cases of imposter syndrome, succumb to the overwhelm our to-do’s, or absent-mindedly distracted ourselves with SO MANY shiny objects we’ve forgotten our original goal. So so so many times I’ve seen bad ass womxn with incredible ideas just. . . stuck. . . like their foot’s stuck in the mud on their journey of entrepreneurial freedom - not quicksand sinking or anything dramatic like that - just, stuck. What IS that mud? Why can’t these FIERCE womxn, myself included, move on from that ONE THING (or like, a few things, let’s be honest, it’s usually much deeper than just one thing)?


Let’s help you “Get the fuck un-stuck!”

Sometimes we’re just playing small, selling ourselves short, because it’s easy, safer, less scary. Or maybe we don’t even know where to start and that’s our rut - we’re stuck at STEP ONE! Perhaps it’s going from the infamous six figures to that cool first MILL (that’s short for million, my fancy friends) that’s got us blocked up. Whatever it is, I betchya I can helpya. (I don’t actually spell ‘help you’ like that - it just looked good.)
Working with my fellow entrepreneurial-spirited womxn to help them “get the fuck un-stuck” is my absolute JAM! Check out my free worksheet resources under THE COACHING tab if you could use some self-directed help RIGHT NOW!!!


My Values

  • As a Doer of Life I am not “curated” like a gallery - I am an ever-evolving collection of collections. I am not a one-way road with just ONE lane. I am an under-construction highway with varying speed limits, on and off ramps, lots of lanes to switch between, and construction that may be annoying but hopefully leads to a better tomorrow. I am not a guru. I am a work-in-progress simply documenting my process and reaching back to help anyone behind me who wants it.

  • I place passion before profit.

  • I believe in creating a culture of equitable access, therefore I offer scholarships. Please use the contact page to inquire for more details.

  • #humanizementalhealth - Mental health hygiene should discussed just as easily and openly as something like dental health hygiene. As a survivor of suicide and someone who manages bipolar disorder every day, I know first-hand that there is NO ROOM to feel shame in talking about our mental health experiences without free of stigma.

  • Most importantly, YOU MATTER. Every human being has value and can help make this world a little brighter. Even if times are dark and it seems like there’s nothing to look forward to, YOU are an important asset to this universe and you’re meant to contribute your special gift - whatever it is - even if you don’t see it yet.


TIP JAR provided should you wish to “tip” for any of my free resources provided!